
If you feel stressed, overworked, or too old for your age you may be suffering from a sleep disorder. Research and history show us that many serious medical problems have been worsened or even caused by sleep disorders. More than 70 million people in the United States are affected by a sleep problem, but only about 10 percent of those people are actually being treated. Even if you think your sleep is normal, improper sleep may still be adversely affecting your health. Proper testing and evaluation are vital to diagnosing sleep disorders.

Our goal at Barker Sleep Institute is to increase awareness of sleep disorders and to help you get a good night’s sleep. There is truly no better sleep center in East Tennessee and the Greater Knoxville area for comprehensive, quality sleep care and treatment.

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I had been to several doctors but Dr. Barker was the only doctor....
-- Martin Bradley • Sleep Apnea more >>

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